Over 10 years we helping companies reach their financial and branding goals. Onum is a values-driven SEO agency dedicated.


How Toned
Marketing Works

We hone our skills and tools so you can grow your B2B sales in any niche, with any qualifiers. Our end goal is to offer an elite level of quality across all B2B markets.

How We Ensure Client Satisfaction.

Eclectic. Dynamic. Customer-oriented.

To ensure we deliver exactly what you expect, your definition of success becomes the centerpiece of our roadmaps and strategies. When we onboard a new client, we focus on their industry specifics, long-term objectives, and business culture. We then enrich this with the best sales practices, creativity, and experience of our SDRs, researchers, and AMs to build a predictable and stable sales channel.


Amit Arora  

CEO Toned Marketing

Customer Onboarding Process

Our structured customer onboarding process takes approximately 7 days. During this time, we refine your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) and outline a detailed roadmap for your campaign. This includes milestones, potential challenges, and specific steps to take during each phase.

Granular Research

Our dedicated researchers meticulously gather and verify hand-curated data through a comprehensive 3-step validation process. This ensures our Sales Development Representatives (SDRs) are equipped with relevant contacts, enhancing their ability to nurture B2B connections effectively.

Content Writing

Our team at Belkins utilizes an extensive library of approaches and adheres to top-notch email-writing guidelines to personalize your message. We ensure every word resonates with your prospects.


With years of experience and our proprietary Folderly tool, we ensure your emails avoid spam folders, making your email journey smooth and effective.


We provide up-to-date reports on your campaign performance. This allows us to generate actionable data and keep your strategy flexible and resilient against potential pitfalls.


Under the AM's supervision, your dedicated team reviews reports, analyzes results, and makes necessary adjustments to templates, research, and overall approach.

Team Synergy & Communication

To ensure your campaign aligns with your mission and vision, your dedicated team and in-house team collaborate seamlessly. They share feedback and insights through regular Zoom calls, working together as one cohesive unit.

Transparent Feedback and Honesty

Our committed team is dedicated to achieving lasting results, which includes confronting challenges, acknowledging and learning from mistakes, and providing constructive criticism when necessary.

The outcomes achieved by our clients

Opportunities Yearly
Deal Closing Rate
ROI Achieved
Cost of In-house Team

Acquire More Clients

With our proven process designed to drive your business expansion.

The Principles Guiding
Toned Marketing's Processes

Write a short description, that will describe the title or something informational and useful.


we embrace a zero-compromise approach in our work. Regardless of the complexity of the case or the specificity of the target industry, we aim for the perfect blend of achievable and fulfilling outcomes. This standard extends to our tools, our team, and ourselves.


Time is our most precious resource, and we manage it judiciously. Punctuality is our norm for meetings, realistic deadlines are set and met, and we navigate our tasks with the aid of tools, extensions, and calendars. Our efficiency saves your time, enabling you to achieve more in shorter periods.


We don't believe in mere appearances. From the moment we engage with your team, your goals become our goals, and your success becomes our priority. We're prepared for intense brainstorming, unforeseen challenges, and the pains of growth, as long as they contribute to your advancement.


We maintain a clear understanding of each team member's goals and tasks, trusting them to deliver their best. To ensure seamless synergy, we ensure that everyone sees their personal contribution in the final product.


We acknowledge our mistakes and hold ourselves accountable. Denying errors is counterproductive; instead, we analyze our missteps, determine how to rectify them, and devise strategies to prevent future occurrences. Embracing our imperfections is key to our growth as experts.

Why is Toned Marketing different?

Toned Marketing

Balances frameworks and flexibility

Treats every client according to the success criteria relevant to their industry and business.

Integrates into the client’s team

Studies the client’s product specifics, marketing materials, and company to become an extension of their in-house team.

Communicates straightforwardly

Openly discusses roadmaps, long-term goals, and critical moments to secure the campaign’s success.

Result-oriented approach

Focused on delivering tangible value that transcends mere numbers in reports, making a real difference for the client’s business.

Professional teams

Values advanced soft skills and B2B sales knowledge in new expert hires and invests in their ongoing enrichment.

Other Companies in the Industry

Framework-Based Workflow

Utilize a cookie-cutter approach to optimize time management across various industries and customer bases.

Limited by the Vendor Role

Avoid detailed discussions and provide only the minimum information necessary for campaign launches.

Lack of Feedback Mechanisms

Fail to address problems and setbacks, relying on promises rather than results, which slows down the sales process.

Contract-Oriented Approach

Strictly adhere to contract terms, focusing on delivering promised results without securing real value or ensuring increased ROI.

Static Teams

Operate with a rigid model that hinders the training of new experts and sharing of experiences, leading to longer sales cycles.


For startups, Belkins provides cost-effective B2B appointment setting solutions to jumpstart your new business with high-quality leads.

Growth Phase

For mid-sized companies, our experts attract your ideal customers and drive them into your pipeline to boost annual revenue.

Established Enterprises

For enterprises, we specialize in winning the hearts of your most valuable leads. We nurture and convert customers to help you maintain a strong leading position in the market.

We offer solutions tailored to businesses of all sizes and budgets.

Acclaimed B2B
sales agency

Check out the testimonials from our clients to see how we’ve contributed to their revenue growth.


How and where do you contact prospects?

We reach out to them using cold emails. Our researchers study the companies that match your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP), template writers create compelling messages, and email deliverability specialists fine-tune mailbox settings to eliminate spam.

What sets Toned Marketing apart from other appointment-setting agencies?

You won’t see an hours-spent or email-sent collaboration model working with us. We’ve developed a unique process that makes us your advisors, partners, and an integral part of your team. To map the most effective strategy for your growth, we start with onboarding and dive deep into your business specifics. Having your success as our top priority, we provide results-driven, KPI-focused services, motivating our professionals to get the job done for you.

How do you know what would work out best for my business?

Toned Marketing’s process relies only on data-driven decisions. Not only do our specialists study your market far and wide but they leverage the best sales practices and the most relevant experience that suits your case best. Also, we understand that each project is unique, that’s why we A/B test even proven approaches that worked out previously.

What are the main metrics of a client’s success?

Your ROI is all that matters. Our team acquires quality leads and successful appointments for you to close top deals and optimize your sales costs. Besides, within each campaign that we launch, we track email deliverability, open, and reply rates, the character of leads’ responses, the number of appointments, no-shows rate, and deal closing ratio.

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