Over 10 years we helping companies reach their financial and branding goals. Onum is a values-driven SEO agency dedicated.


Table of Contents

Key Takeaways

Definition: A voice SEO company focuses on optimising your content for voice search to ensure your business pops up when customers use voice assistants like Siri, Alexa, or Google Assistant.

Benefits: Voice SEO services enhance your visibility in voice search results, which can significantly increase your customer engagement.

Cost: Investing in voice SEO typically ranges from $2,500 to $7,500 per month. Opting for cheaper options might lead to ineffective results, so choosing a reputable provider is essential to ensure quality and effectiveness.

What exactly is an Voice SEO company?
And what are the typical tasks performed by
Voice SEO companies?

What is voice seo?

Voice Search Engine Optimization (Voice SEO) is the practice of optimising content to improve its discoverability through voice-activated search engines. By working with a skilled Voice SEO company, businesses can receive professional guidance on crafting and refining strategies specifically for voice search. This optimization ensures that a business shows up prominently when customers use voice assistants like Siri, Alexa, or Google Assistant to find information, leading to enhanced visibility, increased traffic, and higher potential revenue.

How Does Voice SEO Work? Voice SEO (Voice Search Engine Optimization) involves optimizing your content specifically for voice search. Here’s a quick breakdown:

Crawling: Voice search algorithms use advanced bots to understand the context and relevance of your content. Indexing: Your content is indexed with a focus on voice queries, making it ready to be served up in voice search results. Ranking: Your content ranks in voice search results based on how well it answers spoken queries and the user’s intent.

When you collaborate with a Voice SEO agency, their objectives include:

  • Ensuring your content is easily understood and indexed by voice search algorithms.
  • Focusing on long-tail keywords and conversational phrases that people are likely to use in spoken queries.
  • Enhancing the clarity and conciseness of your content to deliver quick, direct answers preferred in voice searches.
  • Continuously adapting strategies based on voice search trends and algorithm updates.
  • Offering guidance on improving your overall voice search presence.

Overall, Voice SEO efforts aim to optimise:

  • Content for voice understanding and relevancy.
  • Visibility in voice search results.
  • Engagement and conversions from voice-originated traffic.

What Does an SEO Company Do?

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) involves over 200 factors that determine how search engine results pages (SERPs) are generated. Here’s a quick overview:

  1. Crawling: Search engine bots, also known as crawlers or spiders, scan your website.
  2. Indexing: Search engines index your website’s content, making it eligible to appear in SERPs.
  3. Ranking: Your site appears in relevant SERPs based on over 200 ranking factors.

When you partner with an SEO agency, their goal is to optimize SEO for you by:

  • Ensuring search engines can effectively crawl and index your website.
  • Targeting relevant keywords that attract qualified traffic.
  • Optimizing website content to improve on-site SEO and search engine rankings.
  • Adapting SEO strategies based on algorithm updates.
  • Providing recommendations to improve and scale your SEO strategy.

Overall, SEO efforts focus on enhancing:

  • On-page, off-page, and technical SEO.
  • Keyword rankings.
  • Organic traffic.
  • Conversion rates from organic traffic.

What is a Voice SEO Company?

A Voice SEO company specialises in optimizing content for voice search. These companies focus on enhancing your visibility in voice-activated search results to increase traffic and potential revenue from organic voice searches. They achieve this through strategic adaptations of on-page content, emphasizing conversational keywords and phrases, improving off-page elements like local SEO, and ensuring technical optimizations that support quick, clear responses favored by voice search algorithms.

What Does an SEO Company Do?

An SEO company helps businesses enhance their rankings, drive traffic, and increase revenue through organic search. To achieve these goals, SEO companies perform a variety of tasks, including:

  • Conducting SEO audits
  • Implementing on-page optimizations
  • Creating content
  • Building links
  • Performing keyword research
  • Making technical optimizations

How Much Does an SEO Firm Cost?

The cost of hiring a voice SEO firm varies based on your business needs and the firm you choose. Generally, voice SEO services range from $2,500 to $7,500 per month. While there are cheaper options available, be cautious of scams that promise low-cost services.

Factors influencing the cost of an Voice SEO firm include:

  • Location
  • Experience
  • Deliverables
  • Payment Structure

Business-related factors affecting voice SEO pricing are:

  • Timeline
  • Project Scope
  • Goals

For the most accurate estimate, request a quote from the voice SEO company. They will review your request, discuss it with your team, and provide customized pricing along with a list of deliverables. This information will help you determine if the voice SEO firm is the right fit for your business.

Is Hiring a Voice SEO Agency Worth It?

Deciding whether to hire a voice SEO agency depends on several factors:

Consider These Questions:

  • Can you manage voice SEO yourself effectively?
  • Do you have the budget for outsourcing voice SEO?
  • Is your current voice SEO strategy performing as expected?
  • How would you rate your voice SEO skills (below average, average, above average)?

When It’s Worth Hiring a Voice SEO Agency:

  • You lack the time, resources, or skills to handle voice SEO on your own.
  • Your budget allows for hiring a voice SEO company.
  • Your current voice SEO efforts are not meeting management’s expectations.

When to Keep Voice SEO In-House:

  • You have the time, resources, tools, and skills to manage voice SEO internally.
  • Your budget does not support hiring a quality voice SEO provider.
  • Your voice SEO efforts are achieving the desired results.

Additional Considerations:

You don’t need to check all the boxes to justify hiring a voice SEO agency. Many businesses take a proactive approach and hire a voice SEO firm to stay ahead. For instance, if you notice your time for voice SEO tasks is decreasing, you might consider hiring a voice SEO agency before your results start to decline.

What Services Do Voice SEO Companies Provide?

What is a Voice SEO Company?

A voice SEO company is your all-in-one provider for a range of voice SEO services, including:

  • Voice SEO: Optimizes your site for voice search queries.
  • Traditional SEO: Ensures your site is optimized for non-localized searches.
  • Local SEO: Focuses on optimizing your site for local voice searches.
  • Ecommerce SEO: Tailors optimization strategies for online stores to capture voice search traffic.
  • Enterprise SEO: Targets competitive keywords with high search volumes, including voice searches.
  • SEO Audits: Analyzes your site to identify issues affecting its rankings, including voice search performance.
  • SEO Consulting Services: Provides assistance during projects, such as website redesigns, to ensure voice SEO best practices are followed.

Depending on the voice SEO firm, they may offer all, some, or only one of these services. If you’re looking for a comprehensive solution, focus on full-service agencies (such as Toned Marketing) that have specialized teams for various aspects of voice search engine optimization.

What Should a Voice SEO Company Do?

Key Takeaways:

  • Audit your website
  • Improve your on-page, off-page, and technical voice SEO
  • Report your progress


Understanding what a voice SEO company should specifically do is crucial when considering potential agencies to hire. Here’s a breakdown of their essential tasks:

Audit Your Website

A thorough SEO audit helps your voice SEO provider:

  • Assess the site’s structure, indexing, and optimization status for voice search
  • Identify critical issues, like crawling or indexing problems
  • Prioritize areas needing attention, such as voice search optimization versus on-page optimizations
  • Recommend an effective voice SEO strategy to achieve your goals

Voice SEO agencies typically use tools like Google Analytics, Google Search Console, and Screaming Frog for this analysis. They might also employ paid tools like Ahrefs or Semrush. Expect to grant analytics access to your voice SEO team.

After the audit, your voice SEO firm should provide:

  • A summary of findings
  • Recommended action items

The best firms explain their recommendations to help you understand and feel confident about their proposed strategies.

Improve On-Page, Off-Page, and Technical Voice SEO

Voice SEO companies work on various aspects of SEO:

On-Page Optimization:

  • Enhancing title tags and meta descriptions for voice search
  • Conducting keyword research specifically for voice queries
  • Suggesting or writing new content optimized for voice search

Off-Page Optimization:

  • Setting up directory listings for voice search compatibility
  • Conducting link outreach to improve voice search authority
  • Generating content ideas tailored for voice search

Technical Optimization:

  • Optimizing the robots.txt file for voice search
  • Improving page speed to enhance voice search performance
  • Streamlining internal links for better voice search navigation

If you grant site access, the voice SEO company can handle these optimizations directly. Otherwise, they will act as consultants, providing recommendations for your team to implement.

Report Your Progress

Voice SEO companies typically provide monthly progress reports focusing on:

  • Rankings for voice search queries
  • Traffic from voice searches
  • Conversions driven by voice search

Your point of contact at the agency will usually review these reports with you. The best firms customize reports to your business, highlighting the metrics most relevant to your goals. For instance, they might report on the number of qualified leads and conversions to demonstrate the impact of voice SEO on your bottom line.


While keyword rankings and organic traffic are important, they can sometimes be vanity metrics. It’s essential to discuss with your voice SEO agency how they measure success to ensure their efforts align with your business objectives.

What Should the Best Voice SEO Agencies Do?

Key Takeaways:

  • Research your market
  • Develop your strategy
  • Fill your skill gaps
  • Improve your analytics
  • A/B test your voice SEO
  • Re-purpose your SEO data

The best voice SEO agencies stand apart from the rest because they excel at:

  • Optimizing for voice SEO
  • Delivering WOW service
  • Adapting to market changes, including search engine algorithms

They also do what other SEO companies don’t, like:

  • Research your market
  • Develop your strategy
  • Fill your skill gaps
  • Improve your analytics
  • A/B test your voice SEO
  • Re-purpose your SEO data

Research Your Market

When it comes to what voice SEO companies do, the best ones will research your:

  • Industry
  • Target market
  • Competitors

With this information, your agency can better understand the market, which can help them:

  • Determine the best voice search keywords to target
  • Find opportunities for link building, content creation, and more
  • Provide recommendations for navigating economic or market changes

Some agencies, like Toned Marketing, also partner you with a dedicated voice SEO expert in your industry. This helps clients by decreasing onboarding times, streamlining communication, and improving SEO results.

Keep in mind you won’t find this at most agencies — even the top SEO companies. That’s because it requires a large team (Toned Marketing has more than 500 in-house specialists), a diverse client base, and long-lasting SEO partnerships (some clients have partnered with Toned Marketing for more than 10 years).

Develop Your Strategy

While everyday SEO agencies can develop a strategy, it’s the top voice SEO agencies you want to develop yours. These agencies consider your business’s bigger objectives when creating your strategy. For example, will your business expand into a new area in the next five years? Let your voice SEO firm know, and they’ll incorporate that goal into your overarching strategy.

When it comes to strategy, you can also expect best-in-class voice SEO agencies to:

  • Tailor your strategy to your industry, audience, and goals
  • Adapt your strategy based on economic or market changes
  • Enhance your plan with the latest voice SEO tactics

If you’re looking for a hands-off approach to voice SEO, you’ll want a top voice SEO company because they’ll develop, implement, and manage your voice search optimization plan. Even if you prefer a more hands-on approach, you might enjoy collaborating with voice SEO experts.

Fill Your Skill Gaps

Voice search optimization is more than writing title tags and getting backlinks. You’ll need several skill sets, from web development to copywriting, to maintain a voice SEO program that drives rankings, traffic, and revenue in 2024.

Top voice SEO companies recognize the skill gaps within most SEO programs. That’s why their team includes:

  • Voice SEOs
  • Content marketing specialists
  • Web developers
  • Website designers
  • And more

Toned Marketing, for example, features a team of 500+ professionals that includes:

  • Voice SEOs
  • Outreach specialists
  • Content marketing specialists
  • Professional copywriters and copyeditors
  • Data analysts
  • Conversion rate optimization specialists
  • Social media specialists
  • Digital advertising specialists
  • Web developers
  • Website designers
  • Business consultants

With a team like this, you can knock out voice SEO tasks (like the following) faster:

  • Creating assets, like new content
  • Fixing issues, like a sitemap
  • Launching projects like a custom 404 page
  • Pivoting strategy, like in response to an industry shift
  • Adopting new tactics, like first-party data

When you can implement voice SEO action items faster, your business can get results from voice SEO sooner. Keep in mind voice SEO still takes around three to six months — but if you start voice SEO now vs. later, you’ll see results sooner.

A/B Test Your Voice SEO

The best voice SEO companies go beyond optimizing your website’s SEO. They also A/B test your voice SEO. In voice search optimization, A/B testing can include:

  • Testing different title tags
  • Testing different meta descriptions

If you partner with a full-service SEO agency, they can also help with conversion rate optimization (CRO). Unlike SEO A/B testing, which focuses on bringing more traffic to your site, CRO testing focuses on converting more of your existing traffic.

As an example of SEO and CRO’s combined impact, Toned Marketing has used both digital marketing strategies to help clients generate significant revenue over the years.

Improve Your Voice SEO Analytics

One of the significant benefits of hiring a top voice SEO agency is improved SEO analytics. Most successful voice SEO companies invest in white-label website analytics software, helping clients monitor rankings, traffic, and conversions from voice searches.

For transparency, agencies will pass the cost of this software onto you. This setup can become an issue as software costs rise, increasing your SEO service costs. Agencies have no control over these increases or the timing. If your agency switches platforms due to rising costs, your data could be at risk.

Despite this, advanced analytics software offers numerous benefits, such as:

  • Viewing voice SEO-generated results in a dedicated dashboard
  • Monitoring rankings for top URLs optimized for voice search
  • Tracking voice SEO conversions over time

Some agencies, like Toned Marketing, have developed their own analytics software. Their platform extends beyond analytics, providing:

  • Tracking voice SEO’s return on investment (ROI) down to the URL
  • Measuring ROI across all digital channels
  • Providing AI-powered insights for improving voice SEO
  • Monitoring competitor movements and strategy shifts
  • Automating marketing initiatives like lead nurturing email campaigns
  • Personalizing website URLs
  • Accessing sales data via customer relationship management (CRM) integrations

If you decide to hire a voice SEO company, consider what you need — and what leadership needs — to measure voice search optimization’s performance and bottom-line impact. This will influence the type of voice SEO agency you hire.

Re-purpose Your Voice SEO Data

From building your strategy to tracking your performance, the best voice SEO firms work to keep you ahead of the market. In 2024, top voice SEO companies help you maximize the value of your organic traffic data.

If you’re familiar with the shift from third-party to first-party data, you know building a first-party data strategy is critical. Top voice SEO companies help with this. With their proprietary marketing platform, Toned Marketing helps clients re-use their data for ad campaigns, personalization, and more.

The result? Toned Marketing clients have seen an average 25% increase in digital marketing ROI!

When shopping for voice SEO service providers, research (or ask!) about their approach to first-party data. Not all SEO companies will have one. However, top voice SEO agencies will understand your needs and likely have a strategy for generating and activating your first-party data.

Improve Your Voice SEO Analytics

One of the significant benefits of hiring a top voice SEO agency is improved SEO analytics. Most successful voice SEO companies invest in white-label website analytics software, helping clients monitor rankings, traffic, and conversions from voice searches.

For transparency, agencies will pass the cost of this software onto you. This setup can become an issue as software costs rise, increasing your SEO service costs. Agencies have no control over these increases or the timing. If your agency switches platforms due to rising costs, your data could be at risk.

Despite this, advanced analytics software offers numerous benefits, such as:

  • Viewing voice SEO-generated results in a dedicated dashboard
  • Monitoring rankings for top URLs optimised for voice search
  • Tracking voice SEO conversions over time

Some agencies, like Toned Marketing, have developed their own analytics software. Their platform extends beyond analytics, providing:

  • Tracking voice SEO’s return on investment (ROI) down to the URL
  • Measuring ROI across all digital channels
  • Providing AI-powered insights for improving voice SEO
  • Monitoring competitor movements and strategy shifts
  • Automating marketing initiatives like lead nurturing email campaigns
  • Personalising website URLs
  • Accessing sales data via customer relationship management (CRM) integrations

If you decide to hire a voice SEO company, consider what you need — and what leadership needs — to measure voice search optimization’s performance and bottom-line impact. This will influence the type of voice SEO agency you hire.

Repurpose Your Voice SEO Data

From building your strategy to tracking your performance, the best voice SEO firms work to keep you ahead of the market. In 2024, top voice SEO companies help you maximize the value of your organic traffic data.

If you’re familiar with the shift from third-party to first-party data, you know building a first-party data strategy is critical. Top voice SEO companies help with this. With their proprietary marketing platform, Toned Marketing helps clients re-use their data for ad campaigns, personalization, and more.

The result? Toned Marketing clients have seen an average 25% increase in digital marketing ROI!

When shopping for voice SEO service providers, research (or ask!) about their approach to first-party data. Not all SEO companies will have one. However, top voice SEO agencies will understand your needs and likely have a strategy for generating and activating your first-party data.

How to Choose an SEO Company?

You understand what an SEO company is and what it does, and now you want to hire one.

Hiring an SEO agency can take several months, especially if you need buy-in from other departments. However, educating yourself on how to choose an SEO company can help you find the best SEO service provider for your business.

Here are some tips for picking an SEO agency (for even more advice, read our SEO Hiring Guide):

  1. Outline Your Expectations: Meet with your stakeholders to determine what you want from an SEO firm. Do you need a company that can both develop and execute strategies? Are you looking for help with a specific project? How will you measure their performance?
  2. Determine Your Budget: Before discussing with an SEO service provider, establish your budget. How much is management willing to invest in SEO services? What must these services include for the budget to be justified?
  3. Ask Your Network for Recommendations: Use your network connections for initial agency recommendations. They can help you build a list of companies to consider (or avoid), saving you a significant amount of time.
  4. Review Candidate Case Studies: Examine case studies from your list of SEO candidates. How do they measure success? What strategies do they use to achieve results? Why are clients happy with this agency?
  5. Ask Top Agencies for a Meeting: Contact your top candidates and schedule meetings. How do they manage SEO projects? What is their SEO framework? How do they stay ahead of industry trends? Be sure to ask questions about pricing, timelines, and deliverables.
  6. Get a Custom Proposal: Once you have a list of your favourite SEO companies, request a proposal. This proposal should include pricing, deliverables, and any specifics discussed, such as a requested task or start date.


If you go through the hiring process and haven’t found an agency you like, don’t settle. You want an SEO company you can trust with your site — and your business. Keep looking and talking with agencies to find the best one for your business.

FAQs about Voice SEO Companies

Learn more about voice SEO companies (and even voice SEO) with these FAQs:

How do Voice SEO companies charge for their services?

Voice SEO companies offer various payment structures for their services, such as:

  • Flat Rate: A predictable fee charged regularly, like monthly.
  • Performance-Based: A varying fee charged regularly based on the agency’s results.
  • Hourly: A pre-determined fee charged based on the number of hours worked.
  • Project-Based: A pre-determined fee charged based on a project and its scope.

The preferred pricing models are flat rate, hourly, or project-based.

What metrics do Voice SEO companies improve?

Voice SEO companies focus on improving the following metrics:

  • Search engine rankings for voice queries
  • Organic traffic from voice searches
  • Organic conversions from voice searches
  • Engagement metrics, like time on page

Depending on your business’s voice SEO needs, your voice SEO agency might focus on additional metrics.

What do a Voice SEO company’s services include?

A voice SEO company’s services should include:

  • Voice SEO audit
  • On-page optimizations for voice search
  • Off-page optimizations
  • Technical optimizations for voice search
  • Reporting

Some voice SEO agencies will provide more than what’s listed above, such as:

  • Strategy development
  • A/B testing for voice search performance
  • Advanced analytics tracking

Every agency is different, so you’ll need to check with them to verify their service deliverables.

How does a Voice SEO company work?

A voice SEO company works to grow your business by:

  • Learning about your industry, target audience, and business
  • Building, implementing, and managing a strategy that impacts your most important metrics
  • Communicating with your team about the what, why, and how of different site updates
  • Reporting on voice SEO initiatives so you can see (and share) their impact

A voice SEO firm’s job is to drive leads, phone calls, store visits, purchases, and more through voice search. Just like you hire an accountant to help streamline and improve your books or hire a cleaning company to tidy up the office each week, partnering with a voice SEO company means connecting with a company whose goal is to improve your visibility in voice search engines.

What is an example of working with a Voice SEO company?

Let’s say you operate a house painting company in Ames, Iowa (Go Cyclones!).

You are an expert in all things paint. You spend your day talking all about glosses, finishes, ferrules, and more. You want to earn more leads for your business and hear from your customers that they find local paint contractors through voice search engines like Google Assistant or Alexa.

Taking the time to learn, implement, and adjust a voice SEO campaign isn’t an option for you. So, you find a trustworthy and reputable voice SEO company to help manage your web presence in voice search engines. A few months later, your site starts showing up at the top of voice search results for queries like “painters in Ames Iowa” and “exterior painters in Ames.”

A beautiful partnership is born! You are busier than ever, thanks to leads flowing in from voice searches. Partnering with a quality voice SEO firm gives you the expertise needed to generate more business from organic searches.

The beauty of voice SEO is that your marketing efforts allow interested customers to find you online. Most marketing channels require businesses to blast their message out to thousands of customers, with the hope that a small percentage of them will be qualified prospects. Voice SEO works in the opposite direction: You make it easier for people to seek out and find your business as they search online by voice. By nature, leads you earn from organic voice search are self-qualified. This means people already interested in your product or service are looking for you.

See what a Voice SEO company can do for you

What is a voice SEO company? They’re your answer to capturing more traffic and revenue from the web.

With more than 12 years of experience (and more than $1.2 billion in revenue generated in the past five years for our clients), Toned Marketing is a trusted choice for voice SEO services.

Whether you’re in need of Philadelphia voice SEO services, New York City voice SEO services, Tampa voice SEO services, or any other location in the world, we’ve got you covered.

So, if you’re looking for a custom strategy, diverse experts, and cutting-edge digital marketing technology, contact us online today!

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